Today we attended the Memorial Day service in my husband's hometown.  Many people come together to deliver the service, including the Veterans of Foreign Wars, American Legion, Boys Scouts, Girl Scouts, the city commission, mayor and the ministerial alliance. The main speaker is usually a current or past service member from the area. There is always has a great message reminding us to support past and present service members, and to remember those who died for our freedoms.

Many community members attend this service. We enjoy talking with old friends, but the best part is seeing all the children attending, their parents and grandparents instilling respect and honor for those who protect our country. It's a good reminder for us all.

We are always honored to attend the service with my husband's dad, who served overseas in the Army in the late 1940s. My dad has passed, but he served in the Navy during World War II. My great uncle lived with us for several years growing up, and he had served in World War I. We learned respect for those who had died during war by placing flags on the veterans' graves on Memorial Day weekend. My brother continues that tradition today. 

Thank you, veterans.