There could not be enough applesauce in our house when our girls were little. They loved it then, and still do now. The best time to make applesauce was when they were down for naps or, a few years later, when they were at school. 

The fruit stand was about 10 miles from our house. They always gave samples and made recommendations for the type of apple you should get for your task -- making applesauce, pies or cobblers, breads, canning or freezing. The apples that made the best sauce were not necessarily the best looking ones, but the taste was delicious. The last batch of applesauce I made, as pictured, contained three varieties of apples. By the way, our youngest daughter helped me out!

It is very easy to make and can or freeze applesauce. There are recipes in a number of cookbooks or online. Usually the ingredients are just apples, sugar, cinnamon and water. Probably the most difficult part of making applesauce is peeling and coring the apples. Maybe it is not difficult, it just takes a long time. Be sure to place the apples in a bowl of water with produce protector to prevent browning until all of your apples are peeled and you are ready to start cooking.

If you do not know how to can foods, please contact your local Research and Extension office for directions or classes.