We finally have decided to have our family Thanksgiving gathering at our daughter's house in Arkansas. We are so excited to all be together, and busy making plans for the all-important meal. However, you might find it unusual we do not have the traditional turkey.

The story behind that choice is a result of a longtime joke. When our oldest was in preschool, she was excited to learn about the history behind Thanksgiving and the foods that usually go with it. My husband teased her that we weren't having turkey, but instead German sausage. She insisted her teacher said we had to have turkey. Well, if you knew my husband, you would not be surprised that we actually had German sausage. She loved it, and that is what we have had since if we are at home for the holiday!

I will say when we are away our Thanksgiving meals can be a little unusual, also. One time we had ham when were on vacation and one year we visited an aunt in the nursing home where we ate chicken. Okay, those are not so unusual. However, another year on the way to the rural area where my dad was hospitalized, the only thing we found open was a convenience store. Try one of those turkey, cheese and cracker snack meals for Thanksgiving! We made it up to our kids later in the weekend.

At the same time we enjoy plenty for Thanksgiving, we are mindful of those who do not have as much. Our daughter where we will visit is a nutrition educator for below-poverty level families. Every day she sees people who do not have enough to eat soundly for regular meals, let alone special times. She tries to help them learn how to feed their families better on their budget. She loves meeting them where they are and helping them try to make the best of their situation. Let us all be thankful for our gifts from God!