It's that pumpkin time of year -- delicious! From pumpkin pie to pumpkin cake, there are so many yummy things you can make with pumpkin for fall treats. 

One year we had a very successful garden crop of pumpkins. I was able to prepare them for freezing (it takes a lot of work!), and we enjoyed pumpkin in many foods all year. Now we are back to canned pumpkin, which is still wonderful. Some of my husband's business associated from Germany came to dinner one night, and I prepared a pumpkin cake for dessert. They had never seen canned pumpkin -- they always prepare fresh pumpkins for recipes! 

One of my favorite pumpkin items to make is muffins. I simply use an easy bread recipe, but pour the batter into muffin cups. Sugar is sprinkled on top before bakint to help make them extra special. Be sure to bake a little less time than the bread recipe indicates. Enjoy!